Thursday, May 7, 2009

Private IM Conversation 3/09/2009 23:10 CDT


[ChozoGH057: 23:10] What do you think?

[AMZ1337-Man: 23:11] is this for real?!

[ChozoGH057: 23:11] Almost; it still requires extensive testing...

[AMZ1337-Man: 23:14] Its sick... does it really run on anything?!

[ChozoGH057: 23:14]Yeah; this makes conflicker look like a joke.

[AMZ1337-Man: 23:16] what are you going to do with it? fire sale go "Live free or die hard" on ppl?!

[ChozoGH057: 23:16] lol No; I'm not into domestic terrorism; its to help me find information.

[AMZ1337-Man: 23:20] on what? this is overkill dude if you release this it could be the online version of a zombie plague! !!1

[ChozoGH057: 23:20]you're being over dramatic; though rigging the average persons processing power in say sleep mode would be beneficial... I think SETI does that already...

[AMZ1337-Man: 23:22] whatever man; you must be workin hard for some serious leverage...

[ChozoGH057: 23:22]You know what they say about knowledge... anyway man Cost-to-Cost AM is on, this story is intriguing. I'm logging.

[AMZ1337-Man: 23:23] cya... hey so really what are you using this for?!

[ChozoGH057 has logged off]


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