Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Christian's Private Database

ID: 7131337001
Name: Sinclair, Christian Deckard
DOB: 1/1/1987 Age: 22
Ability: Cyberpathy Confirmed:[x]
Location: Houston, TX
control:[encrypted] remove from Silicon age technology.
notes:7131337001 (001) is able communicate with Silicon age technology and manipulate computer data. 001's brain acts as an input device for modern computers that have a wireless interface installed; currently Bluetooth (IEEE 802.15.1) and Wifi (IEEE 802.11) are optimal formats for communication, because they allow the subject to be far away from the computer, if the device has no wireless signal the subject is able to "talk" to the machine at close distance. Once interfaced with a network or device the subject is able to manipulate data on the fly; recent tests have show the subject able to see though the lens of security camera's networked via Intellex, or any modern digital recording system. The subject is also able to communicate over the cell phone system with out the need for vocal communication, again all processed in his mind. 001 is also able to obscure his presence from digital media however this requires active allocation of his concentration; it seems that the subject is only able to do so much before pushing himself too far. This immersion within the internet has effected the intelligence of the subject; allowing him to grasp difficult concepts in any subject however not necessarily allowing him to push the research further. This ability is dynamic and this file will continue to update as new information comes to light.

1 comment:

  1. I like how Christian actually refers to himself as a patient, very scientific of him.
