Tuesday, May 19, 2009

coast to coast AM transcript 3/12/2009 24:00

From the City of Angels off the Pacific Ocean, good morning, good evening, wherever you may be, across the nation, around the world. I'm George Noory. Welcome to America's most listened to late night talk show, Coast to Coast A.M... Next hour - did you know that trillions of dollars are being siphoned off by government black ops groups? Guest Catherine Austin Fitts tracks them all down and tells us how they get the money...all kinds of things happen when you look, I guess, but let me tell you something. One man that I respect entirely, is a person who had devoted a pretty good deal of his career, now, to the search for unidentified flying objects for full disclosure. Dr. Steven Greer will be our guest this hour, in a moment, on Coast to Coast A.M; but first we’ll start with some crypto news.

This story; right out of Space City, USA reports that a massive “Man-Crow” was sighted just south of Houston, and its an amazing sight, if you check on our site at www.coasttocoastam.com/ we have a few images captured off a cell phone movie that was shot just shortly after midnight. The video shows a massive shadow flying across the skylight; who knows what a massive creature like this was doing in the big city? Some experts say the images depict what could be one the mythic thunderbirds that have been sighted in other southwestern stats within the USA. We'll bring you more on this as the story develops.

Next we'll tell you about the Amazing Spider-Cat! A cat has astonished its owner by learning to climb up the walls of her house to get back in when he's locked out...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Private Database: subject 003

ID: 7131244003

Name: Wagner,Johnathan Cory

DOB: 08/17/1988 Age: 20

Ability: telekinetic, telepath Confirmed:[o]

Location: Houston, TX

control:[encrypted]antipsychotics, sedative, think in different language.

notes:7131244003 (003) has an extensive psychiatric history of depression, and paranoia stemming from mild schizophrenia. He also is diagnosed with agoraphobia, his therapist notes that his schizophrenia would intensify around large crowds. His standardized test scores are well above the standard average. 003 also has prescriptions for many antipsychotics, and the occasional antidepressant, this has no doubt had some significant effect on his brain chemistry. In the aftermath of Hurricane Ike at a shelter in Huntsville, TX 003 is rumored to have thrown approximately five people in close proximity to 003 away from him. Witnesses state that they felt a “force of power” push against them. This is unconfirmed however as tensions ran high the week after the storm, and power was out at the gym so no video exists at Huntsville High School that was acting as a shelter. I have reason to believe the subject invaded my mind during first contact today (03/16/2009 @ 13:14) despite my best efforts to remain professional, courteous, and genuine the subject has severe antisocial stigmas. His poor attitude got to me I distinctly thought of him as a bastard and he lashed out at me saying “Fuck you too preppy,” fallowed by what I can only describe as a chill down my spine and a distinct feeling of being violated. This is troubling as it leads to two questions; has years of being misdiagnosed a schizophrenic lead to his brain being poisoned by prescription drugs, or is 003 brain sacrificing the ability to connect socially with others in order to make use of his ability? The mostly likely explanation is that he is just a dick. Either way this is not good someone with this temperament could be very dangerous with these abilities; he poses an elevated threat [yellow] should approached with caution, it is doubtful the subject will respect the mental privacy of others should his paranoia kick in. Since this is my best lead for now I will maintain observation as best I can.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Private IM Conversation 3/09/2009 23:10 CDT


[ChozoGH057: 23:10] What do you think?

[AMZ1337-Man: 23:11] is this for real?!

[ChozoGH057: 23:11] Almost; it still requires extensive testing...

[AMZ1337-Man: 23:14] Its sick... does it really run on anything?!

[ChozoGH057: 23:14]Yeah; this makes conflicker look like a joke.

[AMZ1337-Man: 23:16] what are you going to do with it? fire sale go "Live free or die hard" on ppl?!

[ChozoGH057: 23:16] lol No; I'm not into domestic terrorism; its to help me find information.

[AMZ1337-Man: 23:20] on what? this is overkill dude if you release this it could be the online version of a zombie plague! !!1

[ChozoGH057: 23:20]you're being over dramatic; though rigging the average persons processing power in say sleep mode would be beneficial... I think SETI does that already...

[AMZ1337-Man: 23:22] whatever man; you must be workin hard for some serious leverage...

[ChozoGH057: 23:22]You know what they say about knowledge... anyway man Cost-to-Cost AM is on, this story is intriguing. I'm logging.

[AMZ1337-Man: 23:23] cya... hey so really what are you using this for?!

[ChozoGH057 has logged off]


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Christian's Private Database

ID: 7131337001
Name: Sinclair, Christian Deckard
DOB: 1/1/1987 Age: 22
Ability: Cyberpathy Confirmed:[x]
Location: Houston, TX
control:[encrypted] remove from Silicon age technology.
notes:7131337001 (001) is able communicate with Silicon age technology and manipulate computer data. 001's brain acts as an input device for modern computers that have a wireless interface installed; currently Bluetooth (IEEE 802.15.1) and Wifi (IEEE 802.11) are optimal formats for communication, because they allow the subject to be far away from the computer, if the device has no wireless signal the subject is able to "talk" to the machine at close distance. Once interfaced with a network or device the subject is able to manipulate data on the fly; recent tests have show the subject able to see though the lens of security camera's networked via Intellex, or any modern digital recording system. The subject is also able to communicate over the cell phone system with out the need for vocal communication, again all processed in his mind. 001 is also able to obscure his presence from digital media however this requires active allocation of his concentration; it seems that the subject is only able to do so much before pushing himself too far. This immersion within the internet has effected the intelligence of the subject; allowing him to grasp difficult concepts in any subject however not necessarily allowing him to push the research further. This ability is dynamic and this file will continue to update as new information comes to light.